5 keys to increase followers on Facebook and Instagram

Many years ago, brands measured the success of their social networks by the number of followers they had, which is why they invested money in advertising to get new followers or fans to their pages here: https://commentsgo.com/facebook-comments/.

For example, in our country, the first brand to reach one million fans was Cineplanet and there was definitely a lot of investment in this feat.

However, over the years, brands realized that a social network is not necessarily successful if you have more fans, but they began to measure how many of these fans interacted in a real way with the brand. That is, how many of these fans chat with the brand, like the posts, comment or share the content?

This forced brands to generate quality content so that the users who reach their pages are “real” fans, that is, they interact with the brand.

How do we achieve this? Today we bring you 5 important keys to attract your users and make them your Facebook and Instagram followers.

5 Keys to increase followers on Facebook:

Generate relevant content always thinking about the target audience. Covering topics of interest to them.
Post at least 3 times a week.
Vary your publication formats: Videos, Images, albums.
Map your best times to post. In the Statistics of your Facebook page, you can find this information.
Create ads with reach and interaction objectives.

5 Keys to increase followers on Instagram:

Generate relevant content always thinking about the target audience. Covering topics of interest to them.
Publish creative stories periodically. Always keep in mind what trends are used on Instagram and start from this to create unique content that generates an impact on your users.
Create 3 Reels a week.
Use the appropriate hashtags. There are tools that help us know the most used Hashtags.
Use the “Carousel” format and tell your audience something. Use the Storytelling resource to tell your audience something that generates some sensation and helps you connect with them.

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