The healing sound of the Bilas

Faith in the mysterious power of the bell has come to us since ancient times. It is considered that the bell in a mysterious way is related to the sacred forces and the human souls; its sound wakes up the earth and the sky sound bath training.

In several legends about these bells they start ringing before a misfortune:

Its sound cries, prays, celebrates. The motto of the sound of a bell since ancient times is:

“I cry at funerals, break the lightning, spread calm, wake up the lazy, scatter the winds, reconcile the bloodied”

Centuries ago, our ancestors already knew that during epidemics you have to ring the bells day and night without stopping until it disappears.

In our time, modern researchers have seriously studied the positive influence of the sound of a bell. A group of researchers led by the Russian scientist doctor of biological sciences, Shipunov F. YA., have discovered that the bells function as energy generators in the ultrasonic range and destroy the pathogenic fields.

The sound of the bell eliminates flu viruses, Jaundice, and other infections. This sound cannot be tolerated by the molecular structures of malignant microbes. They say that if you install small bells in your room, when you touch them the viruses will turn into crystallized structures and will no longer have contagious properties.

If you put the Petri dishes under several bells of 6 octaves, their sound will produce sterilization, the proteins of the cells will become crystalline structures and will no longer present a danger to human beings. Curiously, each type of virus dies in a concrete audio range (Shipunov FJ Academic of the Institute of Biosphere Sciences).

The influence of the bell on the person’s state of mind, on their psyche, is very great. For many years the psychiatrist AV Gnezdilov from Saint Petersburg successfully treated a series of mental illnesses with the sound of bells. His experience has hundreds of cured people.

The sound of the bell has a strong influence on the person, it is able to free them from stress, it helps them to pass psychotherapeutic rehabilitation more quickly, to return to normal life after very serious shocks and traumas.

The bell sends out a large amount of ultrasonic resonance radiation that in a spiritual and physical sense purifies the space.

In the IEI – Energy and Information Research Center of TVER, by Dr. Nekrasov VA, research has been done on the effect of the melodies of the flat bells, Bilas de Zhikharev AI, using the “ORION” apparatus, which diagnoses magnetic waves resonant together with extrasensory methods. With this study they have demonstrated the influence of their sound on the electromagnetic fields and the structures of the organism.

We have translated this study and the effect of the Bilas is as follows:

  • Improvement in general condition.
  • Normalization of sleep
  • Disappearance of hyperexcitability
  • Eliminates “energy blockages” in the internal and external channels of the physical and subtle bodies, in the channels of the meridians or nadis.
  • Cleansing the aura and improving the quality of the person’s aura.
  • Harmonization of the organism’s biofields and the improvement of its protective capacities.
  • The elimination of negative external influences on your magnetic field. (external energy entities, spells, evil eye, birth engrams)
  • The temporary suppression of the Geopathic fields of the Earth.
  • The oppression of viruses.
  • Elimination of influenza viruses
  • Cleansing of the subtle fields (astral and mental)
  • Recovery and cleaning of the channels that connect you low and high “YO”
  • Elimination of disorders in the chromosomal apparatus of the DNA structure
  • The oppression of the helminths
  • Oppression of tumor cells
  • The strengthening of the quality of the Biocampo is reinforced

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