Survival techniques in the forest

When planning a trip to the forest, you should not only think about the enjoyment and excitement of the experience, but also about safety, for example, what would happen if for some reason you get lost or suffer an accident. For these cases, it is important to know in advance the survival techniques in the forest that can help.

Therefore, knowing what can be useful for survival should be part of the preparation for any visit to the forest or mountain, and it is advisable to do so whether the plan is to go on a one-day tour or camp Matses Tribe.

Collect all the information
One of the first points that are usually recommended in a mountain survival guide is to know the place to visit well . This involves gathering as much information as possible, including whether the location is dangerous or has risks, what animals live in the area, or if there is a source of water. This will help you leave prepared with everything you need and even decide whether to go there or not.

Bring everything you need
Depending on the information collected, you can know what you need to bring, but other than that you cannot forget to bring enough water, something to eat, a knife, a rope, matches and a first aid kit , at least with the essentials.

Don’t forget a map
Before thinking about entering a mountainous area, you should look for a map of the site that will allow you to locate yourself correctly and know which are the possible emergency exits that you can use. Depending on the place you go, the map can be found on the Internet, in tourist agencies or around the place in the park ranger boxes.

Of course, you need to know how to read the map for this technique to work. Once you identify where you are, you can use the compass to orient yourself.

Run away if necessary
Being inside the forest, if you realize that there is danger, it is best to move away. If it is a wild animal, it is recommended that you walk slowly and without making much noise. But, if it is necessary to run to safeguard your life, do it.

Make a shelter
Creating a shelter can mean the difference between surviving or not. If you were not prepared to camp because it was not your plans, then you have to resort to what you have around you to prepare a space where you can receive warmth and be away from wild animals .

Light a fire
If you stayed in the mountain and night is approaching, you will need to light a fire, as it will help you keep warm, keep animals away, prepare food if necessary, and make yourself visible . The latter will help you if you are lost, because there will be a greater chance that rescuers will locate you.

Keep calm
Fear is one of the greatest enemies of survival because it can paralyze you and prevent you from acting. For this reason, in case you get lost, do your best to stay calm and not let fear dominate you because you will not think clearly.

Don’t get too far away
If you are lost and have already created a shelter, it is best not to go too far from it because you could hinder rescue efforts. In addition, staying in one place or its surroundings allows you to use less energy and get less tired.

Of course, if you see imminent danger or realize that the source of food and water is running out in the area you are in, it is best to apply one of the first points we mentioned: flee.

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