5 keys to choosing a good vitamin supplement

Currently one of the main trends in the world of health is the consumption of vitamin supplements to complement our diets and meet the necessary levels of certain nutrients in our body Magnésium livraison Abidjan.

This phenomenon is well documented and supported by the scientific community, so in addition to becoming indispensable in our well-being routine, it has also become a lucrative business that already has countless brands that promise all its benefits in a wide range of prices; The growth has been so rapid and disproportionate that the control of these brands has become a titanic task that to this day remains very poorly regulated.

Unfortunately, many companies that want to get a piece of the pie have launched supplements that may not have the scientific and technical rigor necessary to be reliable, but in addition to that, there are special situations whereby we should not take the choice lightly and consumption of certain supplements. These are some of the factors that you should take into account so that a vitamin supplement does not do you more harm than good.

  1. Choose brands that are tested by third parties
    Although it is not a mandatory requirement for the launch of a vitamin supplement, third-party testing is a sign of transparency on the part of the companies that use it to endorse their products.

Remember that marketing plays an important role in an industry as competitive as this one, so be a little suspicious, even if the brand ensures that it is reviewed and endorsed by third parties, do a brief investigation to find out their legitimacy, with a brief search you will be taking the first big step towards making a good investment in economic and well-being terms.

  1. Storage matters
    In Latin America, most vitamin supplements are imported and sold online or remotely, so many of us do not have the possibility of knowing the conditions in which these products are stored.

Storage is decisive in the effectiveness and even the healthiness of a vitamin supplement, so if we have no way of knowing the conditions in which they are preserved, at least choose well-known and reputable suppliers in the market.

If you are going to buy the supplements in person, keep in mind that the ideal way to store them is in cold and dry places and that is how you should store them yourself at home; In a location where these care conditions are not met, it is better not to buy the product.

  1. Check the ingredients list
    Some vitamin supplements, in addition to the nutrients they offer to their consumers, also have other unrelated elements among their components, these ingredients can be gluten and products derived from animals, so if you are celiac or vegan, it is good that you consult the list of components of your supplement or directly opt for those that are marked as gluten-free, vegan, and that are also endorsed as such by a third party.
  2. There is no magic formula for everyone
    Nowadays you can find specialized supplements for an incredible number of types of people, and although it may seem like a whim of the market, it is actually a very important distinction. They are not the same needs that you have to cover if you are a child, or if you are an older adult; Women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant also have quite specific needs and vegans and vegetarians will also need some special nutrients.

Consult with an expert explaining your needs and strengths, so you will find a supplement or multivitamin that is more targeted to them and, therefore, more effective.

  1. Some supplements have side effects
    With supplements, as with almost everything in life, balance is key. Each nutrient has a specific daily dose for your age and health conditions; ignoring this can cause poisoning and even overdose.

Some nutrients also have unwanted effects; Vitamin E, for example, facilitates bleeding, which can be quite dangerous for people who take anticoagulant medications; Calcium consumption can also limit iron absorption and limit the effect of antibiotics.

It is important to do everything in our power to complement our well-being, but that includes before making decisions, consulting with experts to help us better understand the benefits and contraindications that the market is not going to explain.

The best supplier of nutrients will always be our diet, but why not give it a hand? With patience and intelligence you will surely be able to find the ideal complement.

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